Anyway, I was woken up (actually I wasn't quite asleep yet) about 1am with lots of contractions, even after I chugged a bunch of water and laid down again. Almost immediately I started shivering, which happened like crazy the last 5 hours of my labor with Isla, which made me even more nervous. It was too early, I wasn't expecting anything like this for another week! Feeling a little freaked out, I got up, continued doing laundry that I had started earlier, dug the infant car seat out of the basement, and made a list of things I needed to add to my hospital bag. Around 3:30 I laid down on the couch and dozed off for about an hour and a half. As soon as Kevin got up, I started gathering things together. I was so unprepared! Mostly in the food category, I had hardly put anything in the freezer yet. Also, I was supposed to get my hair done yesterday morning, which I ended up canceling to be on the safe side. SO SAD! But by about 10am, the contractions were still so inconsistent and not progressing, that I realized it probably wasn't actually happening. Big sigh of relief. And frustration, because I really wanted some cool hair.
Since then, I've packed our bags, put 6 more meals (plus a bunch of burritos!) in the freezer, washed the dusty car seat cover, and cleaned up the baby's room as best as I can. While taking care of a tantrum-throwing, sick and sometimes vomiting toddler. Whew! The hospital is going to feel like a vacation! Ha. Jk.
So no baby yet, but it should be soon! I decided to grab (maybe) one more bump shot this morning, mostly because I'm in love with this shirt.
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